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Newsletter for July – September 2015

Here are some of the highlights from this issue…

Coming in November – 2016 Stallion & Farm Directory

A 2016 Stallion & Farm Directory Questionnaire is enclosed in this newsletter. Please complete this form and submit it to the ATBHA office even if you have no stallions. This helps us update your address and contact information and quantity of horses that our Arkansas breeders and owners own for economic impact studies. Additionally, if you desire to place an ad for your farm, your stallion or any products you sell, please let us know. The price is more than reasonable for our full color advertising. Regularly when we quote our advertising prices people say “is that all?” Take advantage of it today! It reaches all over the U.S. If you have corrections to your listing in the 2015 Directory, please let us know immediately!!!

A Triple Crown Winner in 2015 – American Pharoah

I have a confession to make: Yes, I did see AMERICAN PHAROAH run at Oaklawn and yes, I will always remember where I was the moment AMERICAN PHAROAH won the Triple Crown. I was sitting in a church waiting for a wedding to begin. Knowing the race would run before the start of the wedding I muted my cell phone, got on line and together with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson, we watched the race and watched American Pharoah win the Triple Crown. Sadly, we had to be as quiet as a mouse. We couldn’t jump for joy or announce to those around us “We have a Triple Crown Winner!” even though the parents of the bride are huge horseracing fans! But, yes, I will always remember that day because of the feats of a beautiful horse and two beautiful people!

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