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Newsletter for October – December 2019

Here are some of the highlights from this issue…

For those that haven’t been to Oaklawn since May…
The updates and construction in and around the Oaklawn grounds are massive.

The grandstand has new air conditioning, the casino expansion will offer an addi- tional 28,000 square feet of fun, the hotel, scheduled for a 2021 completion, has (as of today) exterior framing to six of the seven floors and by next week the 7th floor should be completed. In addition to the construction around Oaklawn’s main build- ing, the backside has six new barns, a new track kitchen, a new backside entrance, which is about 300 yards (a football field) past the old Cellabrate Road entrance, and a new building that houses the stable security, HBPA and medical clinic.

An enormous amount of excavating is being done to areas from the casino/hotel all the way to Golf Links Road to level the grounds and make more areas of blacktop to provide organized parking for Oaklawn patrons.

To find the ATBHA office, you will come in the new backside stable gate entrance and turn right in front of the new white block building that houses the stable security, HBPA and medical clinic. Our modular office trailer is located at the end of the white block building. It is set back even with that back of the building to allow front door parking for those visiting the ATBHA office. It reminds me of the Monopoly game… the white block building (security, HBPA and medical clinic) is the Monopoly hotel and the ATBHA office is the Monopoly house!

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