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12882 2001 F Pistol’s Legacy Big Pistol Lively Lizzie Sabin Ray E. & Nancy A.
12884 2001 F Phones R Flying Pocket Phone Sharcan Fly Amyx Bobbie
12885 2001 F Christys Picture This Picture Vicksburg Queen Carman Winford
12886 2001 F Bold Soul Bold Anthony Lil Bit O Soul Carman Winford
12990 2001 C Pocket Phone Grand Tanta Amyx Bobbie
12991 2001 C Destiny’s Echo Croydon Silver Hope Schiff & Joan Petruzzo Sylvia
12992 2001 F Unbridled’s Risk Granma’s Demand Welch Billy F.
12993 2001 C Conwaycantoo Unbridled’s Risk Grannycandance Welch Billy F.
12994 2001 C Curly Bill Unbridled’s Risk Lyrical Gold Welch Billy F.
12995 2001 C Uncle James Unbridled’s Risk Metsonita Welch Billy F.
12996 2001 C Unbridled Legacy Unbridled’s Risk Zephyr Miss Welch Billy F.
12997 2001 F Hannah Susanna Manzotti Shauna’s Schedule Sabin Ray E.
12998 2001 F Pistol’s Last Stand Big Pistol Burgandy Bouquet Coleman, Jr. W.C.
12999 2001 C Providential Force Allied Forces Providential Manor Adams Terry
13000 2001 C Wantabeight A V Eight Wantabmadonna Kilkerry Farm
13001 2001 F M.A.’s Flying A V Eight Stephanie Who Kilkerry Farm
13002 2001 C Jakestown Harperstown Karen Robyn Williams Charles
13005 2001 F Ten Mile Too Joy’s Report Ten Mile Creek Davis Ron D.
13006 2001 F Tonka Tima Idabel Honky Tonk Honey Bridge Mike
13007 2001 C Captain Anthony Bold Anthony Breezy MacBree Bridge Mike
13008 2001 F Arkansas Red Mertzon Certain Conviction Hall Bobby Lee
13009 2001 F Mertzon Kathywithak Hall Bobby Lee
13010 2001 C Arkansasprospector Mertzon Loquocious Gal Hall Farm
13011 2001 C Globel Pine Globel Sports Cutter Pine Horton Syd
13012 2001 F Remember Sue Globel Sports Cowgirl Style Horton Syd
13013 2001 C DIED Globel Sports Veiled Bride Horton Syd
13014 2001 F Just A Tramp Remember Hope A Proper Lady Horton Syd
13015 2001 C Mullinax Remember Hope Thiswishforjamie Horton Syd
13016 2001 F Miss Machisma Globel Sports Chargin Streak Horton Syd
13017 2001 F Siber Lady Siberian Pine Cedar Hill Road Anthony John F.
13018 2001 F Ida Can Idabel Ile de Clare Anthony John F.
13019 2001 F Will’s a Player Unbridled’s Risk Two Steppin Molly Sanders Roy Gene
13021 2001 F Inquiring Picture This Picture Inquire Starr Racing, Inc.
13022 2001 F Pisture Line This Picture Celine Starr Racing, Inc.
13023 2001 C Code Blind Lost Code Blind Luck Starr Racing, Inc.
13024 2001 C Total Wreck Big Pistol Christy Thinking Yagos Robert
13025 2001 F Loan Me the Money Hadif Orgullo Del Sur Newman C.F.
13027 2001 F Abby’s Legend Gold Legend Abby Anja McDonald Judy L.
13028 2001 C Linda’s Nipper Idabel Don Noritta Slaight Walter & Linda
13029 2001 F Es Savoie Idabel Guatemala Reed William T.
13031 2001 F Sheela’s Sweet Country Store Playsump’nsweet Letterman Sheela
13032 2001 C Miss Lady’s Lawyer Trust No Lawyer Miss Lady Ma’am Bell David R.
13033 2001 C Dav Mar One Siberian Pine True Winter Bell David R.
13034 2001 F Siberian Pine Prospect South Juels Woody
13035 2001 F Ruddy’s Doll Scott’s Scoundrel Ruddy Eagle Richards Dolores
13036 2001 F Best Memory Joy’s Report Best Is Yet Richards Dolores
13039 2001 F Casual Melody Siberian Pine Lost In Dixie Fiser William
13040 2001 F Ruff ‘n Bold Bold Anthony Mis Ruff Stuff Jacobs Keith
13041 2001 F All Details Siberian Pine Detailed Account Gulla Vince
13042 2001 C Eric’s Goody Idabel Cynpamdeb Kilgore Mary
13043 2001 C A.V. Eight Tee A V Eight Affirmed Lil Hutzel Jim
13044 2001 F A.V. Eight Queen A V Eight Banquet Queen Hutzel Jim
13045 2001 F Carol’s Country Country Store Zen on High Hutzel Jim
13046 2001 G Sir Mortikia Country Store Strawbeey Dedille Chambliss Edwin & Ida
13047 2001 C Zanacator Lonely Advocator Zanzir Biddle Glen
13048 2001 C Tiny’s Harper Harperstown Tiny’s Lil Orphan Cowger George
13049 2001 F Dee’s High Speed Harperstown Dee’s Little Dutch Cowger George
13050 2001 F Misty Trick Tricky Six Black Mist Hunt, Jr. William M.
13051 2001 F Wabbaseka Scatters Tricky Six Carnivorous Cole Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
13052 2001 F High in the Pines Siberian Pine Vitabrite Cole Kim
13053 2001 C Pat for Joy Joy’s Report Spicy Patty Ward Kathy
13054 2001 C Tiger Select Tiger Tiger Selected Joy Ward Kathy
13055 2001 C McKenzie’s Moment Big Pistol Cozy Moment Ward, II Mike
13056 2001 C Longrunonbroadway Broadway Bullet Cherie’s Goldigger Ward, II Mike
13057 2001 F Emerson’s Go Jo Joy’s Report Capt. Golden Girl Ward, II Mike
13058 2001 F Report a Highfire Joy’s Report Highfire Ward Kathy
13059 2001 C Terror’s Tiger Tiger Tiger Yukon Terror Ward & Austin Tinsley Kathy
13060 2001 F Report for Joy Joy’s Report Journey West Ward Kathy
13061 2001 C The Last Omen Bet The Omen Decision’s Delight Dougan Don
13062 2001 F Brunswick Gold Brunswick Make Mine Gold Tinsley TB Farm, J Tarle, B Zaucha
13063 2001 C No Known Vices Naevus Ginny’s Ellie Mae Winemiller & James Pickering Becky
13064 2001 C/G Karma Charma Etbauer Raggedy Ran Leslie Hazel M.
13065 2001 C Ruckus Dancer Bold Anthony Angelina Orbit Johnson Don R.
13066 2001 F Shower Aquifer Siberian Pine Aquifer Smith Diana
13067 2001 C Tricky Coletrain Tricky Six Cherchez Le Cash Smith Diana
13068 2001 F Dare to Care Dare and Go Culebra’s Crest Smith Diana
13069 2001 C Proper Donn Proper Reality Frosty Dawn Smith Diana
13070 2001 C Hoist the Cat Cat’s Career Kara’s Turn Smith Diana
13071 2001 C Pine Bar Siberian Pine Lady Barroness Smith Diana
13072 2001 F Mass Rock American General Crafty Plot Witt Ernie
13073 2001 A. V. Seven A V Eight Pearle’s Holme King Edward
13074 2001 C Lost Picture This Picture Lost Answer King Edward
13075 2001 C Buyah Siberian Pine Myrna Anne Glover James
13076 2001 C Romeo Oh Romeo Forever Dancer Just Released (NZ) Winemiller Becky
13077 2001 F Dancin Kristina Forever Dancer No Good Winemiller Becky
13078 2001 C Sir Mick Forever Dancer Speedy Enforcer Winemiller Becky
13079 2001 F Downtown Suzie Forever Dancer La Femme Rouge Winemiller Becky
13080 2001 C Hamel the Camel L D Cherokee Mississipi Mae Dodd Leland
13081 2001 F Piney Beat Siberian Pine Study the Beat Dodd Leland
13082 2001 F Foxy Code Super Code Passing Buy Dodd Leland
13083 2001 C Spectacular Touch Spectacular Son Contrasail Phelps Ralph E.
13084 2001 C FOAL DIED Araby Ace Freedom For All Phelps Ralph E.
13085 2001 C Grand Time Arrival Cox’s Time Grand Arrival Phelps Ralph E.
13086 2001 C Lickem Time Spectacular Son Lickem Slew Phelps Ralph E.
13087 2001 F Salda My Liege Sunday Lovesong Zollinger Hans
13088 2001 F Dashing Rita Harry Rita’s Hope Bussey Jim
13089 2001 F Hemps Lady Harry Lady Henderson Bussey Jim
13090 2001 C Y Doc Harry Bashful Angel Baker David
13091 2001 F Topic Speak Miss Rockim Baker David
13092 2001 F Harrys Girl Harry Victoria Girl Baker David
13093 2001 F Bonjour Act Late Act Bonjour Baby Turbyfill & Wayne Thornton Bill
13094 2001 F Blazing Ack Late Act Blazing Brittney Turbyfill Bill
13095 2001 C Fendley Road Sharp Drummer Lucky Little Betty Turbyfill & Wayne Thornton Bill
13096 2001 F Lanes Hope Icy Kevin Knit Fit Turbyfill & Wayne Thornton Bill
13097 2001 F Hook And Go This Picture Go To Code Gibson & Jorja Fourroux John
13098 2001 F Jorja’s Scoundrel Scott’s Scoundrel Atys Secret Gibson & Jorja Fourroux John
13099 2001 C Forli Country Country Store Ratified Princess Gibson & Jorja Fourroux John
13100 2001 C Chases Comet Unbridled’s Risk Miss Cabinetcat Matthews Walt
13101 2001 F Risky Dottie Unbridled’s Risk Easter Secret Matthews Walt
13102 2001 F Sabrina’s Magic Scott’s Scoundrel Tricky Magic Woodall Gary W.
13103 2001 F Naughty Penny Siberian Pine Naughty Dancer Hobson David
13104 2001 C Holding the Bag Bag Dolly Dos McDowell Farm
13105 2001 Victory Speech Presiding Lady McDowell Farm
13106 2001 F Enemy Mine Sir Cat Gatefold McDowell Farm
13107 2001 C Bold Sterling Bold Anthony Lillian Gish McDowell Farm
13108 2001 F Bold Snow Dancer Bold Anthony Snow All Knight McDowell Farm
13109 2001 F Bold Bayou Baby Bold Anthony All Sold Out McDowell Farm
13110 2001 C Bold Merit Bold Anthony On Her Merit McDowell Farm
13111 2001 F Helen Gone Bold Anthony Helen Blazes McDowell Farm
13112 2001 F Bold N Dark Bold Anthony Constant Talk McDowell Farm
13113 2001 C Silver I.D. Caller ID Silver Judy McDowell Farm
13114 2001 F Leestown Robin’s Daria McDowell Farm
13115 2001 F Miss Bold Peach Bold Anthony Peaches M. McDowell Farm
13116 2001 F Momma’s Girl Bold Anthony Is Rosalind McDowell Farm
13117 2001 F Timeless Dreamer Idabel Libba’s Nightie Henry Jack & Christine
13118 2001 F Tia’s Tiara Siberian Pine Sehrehzade Henry Jack & Christine
13119 2001 F You’d Blush Too Siberian Pine She Blushes Henry Jack & Christine
13120 2001 C Gun Town Big Pistol I Gotta Code Branum Eugene & Linda
13121 2001 F Sweet Numbers State Dinner Treaty of Riga Branum Eugene & Linda
13122 2001 C Wild Image This Picture Wild Mystery Branum Eugene & Linda
13123 2001 C Winagain Mambo Mambo Win Some Diamonds Mitchell Robert S.
13124 2001 C He’s No Lie Etbauer She Does Lie Ramey Lina
13125 2001 Whata Pretty Woman Etbauer Inphonet Ramey Lina
13127 2001 F Shays B Bold Anthony Grab The Ring Beebe Bill
13128 2001 C Polly’s Pistol Big Pistol Polly Down Under Morgan Rodney
13129 2001 F Sally’s Pistol Big Pistol Mrs Beat Um Up Morgan Rodney
13130 2001 F Sun Diamonds Bold Anthony Diamondsonmyshoes Roman Mary F.
13131 2001 F Honey Halo Harperstown Paula’s Perk Shortleaf Stable
13132 2001 F Kate Siberian Siberian Pine Kate Howard Shortleaf Stable
13133 2001 C Harrisburg Mike Siberian Pine Never Again Shortleaf Stable
13134 2001 C Red T K’s Star Idabel Maggie Ann Tolin Tim
13135 2001 F Adima Scott’s Scoundrel Sucha Who Labiak James & Brenda
13136 2001 Mogambo Lawyer Trust No Lawyer Mogambo Lass Cannon Ray
13137 2001 No Mo Bo Trust No Lawyer So Bo Mo Cannon Ray
13138 2001 Me and Mr. North Idabel DeKaulb Road Cannon Ray
13139 2001 F Ms. April Fool Day Caracey Triple Minx Morris David
13140 2001 C Codes Little Bit Super Code Liska’s Legend Hogue Richard
13141 2001 F Codes Miss Doc Super Code Ipana Hogue, Jr. Richard P.
13142 2001 F Codes Miss Tex Super Code Imatexantoo Hogue, Jr. Richard
13143 2001 C Codes Legacy Super Code Grey Code Hogue Richard
13144 2001 F Maybreeze Star Big Pistol Exubestar Mabry Jerry D.
13145 2001 F Janet Auto Win Autocracy Mema Goodwin Jay
13146 2001 C SupremeĀ  Sam Excavate Supreme Vixen Goodwin Jay
13147 2001 F Four Janet Goodbye Doeney Affy Goodwin Jay
13148 2001 C Pesto Sauce Lonely Advocator Tall and High Isbell Donald G.
13149 2001 F Favorable Liege My Liege Sunday Matinee Zollinger Hans
13150 2001 F Candy Legs State Dinner Border Move Collie, Sr. Don D.
13151 2001 C Daring Six Tricky Six Daring Miss Phelps Jimmy R.
13152 2001 F Dreams of Stardom Tricky Six Parade of Dreams Phelps Jimmy R.
13153 2001 F Creme Fatale American General Duane’s Bambino Witt Ernie
13154 2001 C Special General American General Special Promise Witt Ernie
13155 2001 C Stage Door Dancer Late Act Skip Town Dancer Martin Brothers Racing Stable
13156 2001 C Doctor Blue Eyes Dr. Nureyev Tooblueforyou Martin Brothers Racing Stable
13157 2001 G Doctor Rio Dr. Nureyev Miss Boca Rio Carter Mrs. Roy
13158 2001 F Megan’s Dixie Belle Hapigrin Charter Time Tia Skelton Gary
13160 2001 C Siberian Pine Proper Halo Finkbeiner & Joe Roach Ron
13161 2001 C Powershot This Picture Fleet Fleet Calhoun Karl
13162 2001 F Risky Reputation Unbridled’s Risk Down The Coast Loy Dewaine & Beneda
13163 2001 C Tiger Tiger Bingo Dot Cline Leon
13164 2001 C Country Store Dancing Miss Lou Freeman Ralph
13165 2001 F Southern Forest She’s A Tomboy Ward John C.
13166 2001 F Southern Forest Quick Holli Ward John C.
13167 2001 F Southern Forest Gentle Tiff Ward John C.
13168 2001 F One Eyed Danny Country Store Run for Amber Ward John C.
13169 2001 C Keaton Flats Southern Forest Jennile’s Dream Raabe Carl E.
13171 2001 C Linda’s Prince Southern Forest Queen Maxine Ward William R.
13172 2001 F Chene Rouge Idabel Floating Oaks Ward William R.
13173 2001 F Freddy’s Doll Country Store Pattycake Brunker Wag’s Nags
13174 2001 F Addie Pearl Stand Colorful Pro Carter & Dan Woolfolk Donna
13175 2001 C Mr. T’s Song Smilin Singin Sam Jen’s Myrtle Tucker Robert
13176 2001 C Dinner Music State Dinner Play Happy Frazier M.H. & Pat C.
13177 2001 C/G Country Beat Country Store Beat Lady Luck Adams Ron & Susan
13178 2001 C Real Soon Doppler Fastest Fast Ball Travis Ken
13179 2001 C Andrews Joy Robotonic Nalees Lady Dunlap David L.
13180 2001 C Partee Jr. Satan Sleeps Janets Starry Nite Black Ralph
13181 2001 F Lady Partee Satan Sleeps Telli Morelli Black Ralph
13182 2001 F Shays Diamond State Dinner Onalaska King Virginia
13183 2001 C Dial Anthony Bold Anthony Dial Reality Williams John H.
13184 2001 C Fearless Anthony Bold Anthony Fearless Ace Williams John H.
13185 2001 F Sunshine N Rainbow Bow Never Kodi’s Sunshine Bair Brett
13186 2001 F K J’s Girl Big Pistol Debba Doll Brennan Terry
13187 2001 F Linda’sapistol Big Pistol Deborah Anne Brennan Terry
13188 2001 C Copper Criminal Big Pistol Love For Kelsey Costelle Dr. Richard
13189 2001 C Loaded Pistol Big Pistol Twilight Mountain Brennan Terry
13190 2001 F Picture Please This Picture Pit’s Promise Dixson, Sr. Emmett M.
13191 2001 F Amber’s Picture This Picture Amber Branch Dixson Emmett M.
13192 2001 C Grand Sunset Olympic Prospector Grand Sterling Baker John L.
13193 2001 F Via Star Big Woods Irish Gray Key Tommy
13194 2001 C Big Sancho Idabel Y Worry B Happy Five Star Racing Stable (Joe Benight)
13195 2001 C Mister Bagpipes Harperstown Horn’s Girl Five Star Racing Stable
13196 2001 G Junior Adams Runaway Groom Flint Creek McCollum & Bob Harrison John
13197 2001 F Kay Nat Harry Exacting Miss Bussey Jim
13198 2001 C/G Lucky Pip Squeak Siberian Pine Let Me Get Lucky Stoffey George
13199 2001 C Bythepound Bold Anthony Barthoura Green James
13201 2001 F Nubbin B Ware Country Store Scarlett O’Ware Ware John
13202 2001 F O T Tinker Bell Fenter Government Check Oliver Barry
13203 2001 C Stars and Stars Star of Halo Sob’s Pet Moore Melvin
13204 2001 F Run Tublin Run On The Sauce Nee of the Night Smith Don R.
13205 2001 F Anthony’s Only Way Bold Anthony Avie’s Only Way Smith Don R.
13206 2001 C Anthony’s Nockover Bold Anthony Little Queenie Smith Don R.
13207 2001 C Bold Force Bold Anthony Missouri Force Smith Don R.
13208 2001 F Anthony’s Witch Bold Anthony The Good Witch Smith Don R.
13212 2001 C Willie’s Song A V Eight Whiskey River Hild Sharon
13213 2001 F Pretty Low This Picture Granny’s Pretty Hild Sharon
13214 2001 F Jody’s Case Gold Case Stoney Jody Hild Sharon
13215 2001 F Prospector’s Music Third Rock Hild Sharon
13216 2001 F Bet A Looker Fenter Thump Up Hild Sharon
13217 2001 F Words a Must Fenter Otherwords Hild Sharon
13218 2001 C This Passion This Picture Passion Poof Hild Sharon
13219 2001 F Lil Miss Casey Lil Honcho Bebop Miss Slatton Lyman
13220 2001 C Pisgah Flash Lil Boncho Siberia Bonnet Slatton Lyman
13222 2001 C Rusty Zipper Little Red Reb Rip and Tare Miller Glen
13223 2001 F Judy’s Red Rose Little Red Reb Saganaw Miss Miller Glen
13224 2001 F Come On Jane Little Red Reb Rebel Ace Miller Glen
13227 2001 C Tanner’s Bad Wolf Delta Wolf Ray’s Delivery Sims Troy
13228 2001 C Robby’s Boy Delta Wolf Scott’s Longshot Sims Troy
13234 2001 F Crossing Piney Siberian Pine Silica Shine Bates Donny “Buck”
13241 2001 G Jeri Ruckus Bold Anthony Jeri Top Johnson Don R
13260 2001 F Lady V Eight A V Eight Lady Shakespear Clement, DVM Jesse W.
13273 2001 F Hickory Flat Country Store Come Undone Zimmerman Ken
13320 2001 F Humble Squirt Northern Mel Humble Deal Danaher James
13321 2001 F Humble Madeline Humble Eleven Silver Villa Danaher James
13322 2001 F Humble Gena Forever Dancer Humble Thirteen Danaher James
13323 2001 F Humble Ho Ho Ho Humble Eleven Humble Heidi Ho Danaher James
13324 2001 F Humble Karleen Siberian Pine Karleen’s Toast Danaher James
13325 2001 C Humble Felix Humble Eleven Mean Maggie Danaher James
13326 2001 C Humble Chris Forever Dancer Humble Twelve Danaher James
13327 2001 F Humble Lane Humble Eleven Humble Seventeen Danaher James
13426 2001 F Rachels Flag Late Act Legal Larceny Martin Tim
13427 2001 F Royal Kisser Royal Empire Hurry Kiss Me Cullum William H.
13428 2001 F Forty Passes Royal Empire Pass Me Later Cullum William H.
13449 2001 F Heardyamadefunofme Fenter Prefer Wine Morrison Scott R
13477 2001 F Rose of Etbauer Etbauer Rose Code Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13478 2001 F Time for Etbauer Etbauer Timetoenjoylife Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13479 2001 F Etbauer’s Starlet Etbauer Great Alexandra Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13480 2001 F Pumpkin C enter Etbauer Pat’s Gift Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13481 2001 C Etbauer’s Gift Etbauer Carter’s Gift Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13482 2001 F Etbauer’s Flush Etbauer Six Hi Straight Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13483 2001 F Etbauer Isle Etbauer Island Getaway Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13484 2001 F Aly Etbauer Etbauer Alydisia Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13485 2001 F Call Home Etbauer Etbauer Here Comes Claire Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13486 2001 C Billy Etbauer Etbauer Drolling On Biggs Hays & Kaaren
13535 2001 C Blazing Prince Fire Maker Wall St. Heiress Prince Gerald
13566 2001 F Mambo Music Mambo Nurse Linda K. Center Hills Farm
13781 2001 F Ginger Code Lost Code Proud Hanna Miller Lewis
13785 2001 G Pine Knot Siberian Pine Sharon Searcher Creighton Brett
13800 2001 C Lord Wimsey Pembroke Bold Genius Witt Ernie